Monday was a miserable day. Karen came in and fed the hungry canine and then fed me; unfortunately, after taking a couple of bites, I just couldn't eat… I love the fact that I'm losing weight, but I don't like how I'm doing it. We ended up doing some more personal care. The only thing good about that is I got to take another nice long hot bath. We quit putting essential oils, bath teas, and rose petals in the water until I find out what I'm allergic to. She put me back to bed, and I just rested the rest of the day, watching TV and listening to music while I dozed on and off. Rosa came in and fed the hungry boy and then got me something to eat, but I still wasn't starving. My aunt and uncle came over to play cribbage with my mom and me. I almost canceled because I wasn't feeling perfect, but it was nice to have something to take my mind off everything. My uncle was my partner, and we kicked butt. Since I didn't get up and didn't take any pictures, I took some photos off the web taken by my favorite local artist. After everybody left, I had a couple of pieces of medical chocolate and eventually fell asleep.

Tuesday was a pretty good day. Cindy came in and fed Dude and then fed me and got me dressed up in my chair. We had a few errands to run, but I wanted to take Dude out for a cruise while she cleans up, and she agreed to come and pick me up at the wharf. We cursed through Depot Park, I've come through here a couple times, and there's a bunch of chairs and a couple wheelchairs in a big circle, and I always wondered what it was. As I cruised by a lady, she said hello, and I said hello back to her. She said that they have been in a NA meeting every day there at noon… I told her I didn't understand, and then it dawned on me that she must've seen me before you at one of the AA meetings I went to, I didn't have time to stay, but I would like to check it out one day. We cruised down to the end of the wharf and back. We cruised down the middle of the boardwalk and back. It looks like they are setting up for this weekend… I heard it was going to be open but only for local people, so I wondered how they were going to do that. They usually have the ice-skating rink, set up a pedal go-kart race, have bales of hay set up to make take the course, and look really fun. They also had bales of hay set up for an obstacle course in the front of the boardwalk for people to go through guest services… I guess that's where they prove that they live in the area. They're starting to set up the Christmas tree at the beginning of the boardwalk. I love Christmas on the boardwalk! We cruised back down to the beginning of the wharf, and Cindy came to pick us up. She took us over to Best Buy because I have a couple of questions about setting up the projector outside. I want to make sure I'm definitely ready for the Michael Franti stay-at-home concert on the 21st. After we parked and got out, I looked in the parking spot across the way, and it looked like this big beautiful dog was driving, so I had to go over and take a picture. We went over to Safeway to get some fruit, and we ended up parking out in front of Ace Hardware. Right in the entrance, there is this blowup Christmas snowman eating ice cream in one hand and holding his head with the other, and it says on the front, "brain freeze" we laughed so hard… I think I can end up with that one this year. We got what we needed at Safeway and then cruised home. Adriana was in the kitchen, making me more salads and trying to eat a salad every other day, and she makes amazing salads! I came into the room to tilt my chair back and rest for a bit before Rosa comes in. She came in and fed the hungry boy and then put me to bed and fed me, I'm starting to get my appetite back a little bit, but I could eat much. I handed pictures for a while, watch TV until I fell asleep.

Wednesday turned out to be a perfect day. Susan came in to give me a nice long soothing massage. Once again, I slept through the whole thing. Karen came in, and we did some personal care. It's still a little rough, and I can't wait until he gets better. As soon as I hit that hot bath water, my body immediately feels great. While we are doing personal care, I always too hot one minute into cold the next. I'm really trying to drink a lot of water and even eat more soups and salads, hoping it will go this smoothly every time. Dude and I took off for a cruise down to the wharf, but when I passed by the street that takes me from the lagoon, I decided to cruise down there instead. I haven't been to the lagoon for a really, really long time… Probably close to a year. The dry side of it looked pretty warm and weatherbeaten. I took many pictures, and I went a little bit on the water part of the boardwalk, but I heard a creaking and got scared and got out of there. While I was on the end of the peer at the lagoon I looked up in the tree because I saw something and at first I thought it was an owl and I'm still not sure what it was, I took a bunch of pictures hoping that I can blow it up a little bit and see what it actually is. I cruised through Bay Street, and all of a sudden, I hear, "hey Tammie Lou!" I looked up, and Vince was cruising around. I waved at him, and then a couple minutes later, another car pulls up, and I hear, "hey Tammie, how is it going?" It was my primary care Doctor Dr. Owens, so I stopped and chatted with her, and she had her daughter Nina with her, I see Dr. Owens at least every six months, but I haven't seen Nina for many years… She turned out to be a gorgeous girl! I can see A guy across the street selling flowers, he had a bunch of buckets lined up with different kinds of bouquets, and I wanted to go look, but I know I would just end up buying some, so I just stayed on my side of the street and continued on down to the intersection… There's this house on Bay Street that, for some reason, I just love. It's an adorable house, but when I like the most, they also bought the lot next to them and is just a big open lot with a fence around it, and it would be perfect to have puppy play dates and just to watch Dud run around and play. I hope one day goes up for sale. It would be nice if they would wait until I have my house paid off. I actually met the lady one day down at the Marine Sanctuary. She introduced herself; I believe she had one or two dogs with her, and she said that she sees us crucify all the time. Do I go left to the wharf or write to Westcliff Drive? I haven't been down to Westcliff for a long time, so I decided to cruise out a little way just to take some pictures. I will come back another beautiful day and cruise all the way down to the end like we used to do. As I was cruising down the hill from Westcliff to the wharf, I saw the Santa Cruz Brews bus sitting in the parking lot at the dream in. There must be something going on down there. We cruised on home and rested for a while until Rosa came in. She fed the hungry hound and then put me to bed and fed me before she came here she made hamburgers and tater tots for her family, so she brought me one, and it was so delicious! She cleaned up and then went home, and I listen to music until I fell asleep.





Thursday was a pretty good day. Karen came in and fed the hungry pup and then fed me and got me dressed and up in my chair. Melissa came by to groom Dude. I'm not usually up in my chair, so it was nice to be able to meet her… Her uncle used to own the business and retired, so she took over. A couple of guys from the geek squad came out to take a look at my TV and help me hook up my home theater system in the garage. I want to make sure that everything is working before the next Michael Franti stay-at-home concert on the 21st. It was mounted to the roof, but I had them take it down and put it on a cart that Karen was putting together so I can move it around and watch from anywhere we want. I was really excited to get it done and lost all track of time. When I came back inside, Karen said, "is Adriana going to drive you to your appointment? It's in 15 minutes?" I called Adriana as and she wasn't around, so I messaged Jessica and told her that I was still at home and my appointment was in 15 minutes. It takes me about half an hour to get there. I didn't hear from her, so I just told her I was going to go on my way, and if there wasn't going to be enough time to text me and I will turn around, she told me to just come on, and if there wasn't going to be the time she would let me know… I hate being late. I made it down to where she works, and she ended up doing everything in about two hours, so it was perfect timing. After my appointment, we cruised back home. I really wanted to go down and take a couple of pictures from the wharf, but it was just too cold, so we just cruised on back, turned the heater on, and waited for Adriana. She put me to bed, made me a couple of salads, and then hit the road. She's leaving for Mexico for two weeks to help take care of her grandfather. He hasn't been feeling well and has been in and out of the hospital. I listened to music and edited some pictures before I fell asleep.

Friday was another long miserable day. Karen came in and fed Dude, and then we did some personal care and a nice long hot bath. She got me dressed and up in my chair, and Dude and I took off work crews over to the boardwalk, down to the wharf, and back. I forgot I didn't have my camera on my chair because we took it off yesterday when I went to see Jessica. Adriana made a diaper cake for Omar's baby shower tomorrow. It's too bad she can't make it to the party. We hung out in the driveway for a while until Rosa came in to feed Dude, put me to bed, and then feed me. I'm really tired of feeling miserable. I hope I feel better tomorrow. I played games and watch TV until I fell asleep.


Saturday was a perfect day. Cindy came in and fed the hungry boy, fed me, and then got me up in my chair. Dude and I took off for a cruise while Cindy decorated my room and got everything ready for the baby shower. We decided we better have it inside just in case it rains. We made it down to the wharf and then over to the boardwalk, but it was just getting too cold, so we turned around and came back. On my way back I saw the train coming down the tracks, of course, I had to take pictures. I love the train! My room was decorated. She did an awesome job as usual! Cindy went to go pick up some Carney Asada and rice and beans… Omar wanted to cook his own meat and make guacamole and salsa, and it was delicious! Rosa has a friend that makes for flan, and she makes this really delicious Mexican Jell-O. My uncle and aunt came over and brought a salad and some watermelon. Everybody had a perfect time, it was so nice! We opened presents after we ate and before dessert. My cousin sent me some pictures, he took his girls motorcycle riding… It's so awesome that they love it! Everybody left, and Cindy put me to bed. I ended most of the pictures and was hoping to post them on Facebook, but I fell asleep before I could finish editing them.

Sunday was a nice relaxing day. Cindy came in and fed the hungry boy and then fed me. She did some laundry and straightened out the garage, a couple of never-ending chores. I keep thinking of many get everything organized and then it is going to stay that way, but it never does, maybe one day I'll find a secret… If there is one. I watched TV and dozed in and out all day and took Karen came in, she fed the hungry hungry boy and then fed me. We did some personal care and a nice long hot bath. It was effortless and smooth this time, and I don't feel bad like I have been but were still having to change my SP tube two or three times a week. She put me back to bed, and I watched TV for a little bit, and then I was out.