I am still so upset about the little dog attacking Robby. I did write our congressmen and I got a couple of responses, one was automated and the other said that they were looking into it and they would get back to me. I also wrote to canine companions for Independence and they gave me a list of behavior and training standards for service animals so I made a copy of them and I’m going to make sure that I passed them around and always keep some with me. Apparently it is a misdemeanor to harm a service animal so maybe a nice hefty fine will detour some of these people from bringing these aggressive dogs out in public and claiming that they are service animals. I cannot wait to work with the therapist over at Dominican rehab and figure out a way so that I can use my cell phone and I will be able to call and report this myself if it happens again.On Monday Heather, Cassie and I went to have sushi at the regular place, we ate a lot and had a really nice visit. After that we went to see inception, it was a really good movie but one of those that I think I will have to see a couple of times. We went grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s and then came home and Heather made us a KILLER dinner... who could ask for a better day? Tuesday I had my last standing frame appointment, I thought I did anyway. The therapist wanted me to try a different brace, the one I wear every day. It is really good for helping me to sit up straight but it’s not really binding enough to help with my blood pressure. I didn’t quite get all the way to the standing position and I was just feeling too miserable so we had to call it a day and I have one more appointment. When we got back I was still feeling miserable so I just took a bath and went to bed. Teresa noticed that my wheel chair cushion was overinflated so we are really hoping that that is why I am feeling so miserable, it is amazing how something as simple as that can make you feel awful. I haven’t been able to exercise Robby as much as I would like or as much as I usually do so Teresa took him to the dog Beach on the cliffs and they had such a good time, she took a bunch of pictures for me. I definitely want to go next time so I can watch the dogs play. Before they noticed the tide came in and the stairs were blocked so they had to climb up the rocks to get out of the beach. I’m going to try to see if we can move the puppy play date to the beach instead of the schoolyard. Wednesday I went to see Claudia to get a manicure and pedicure, I would really have good looking nails if I could just stop biting them. They get snagged an uneven and the more I try to even them out myself the worst they get.
Thursday I took Robby to Santa Cruz skilled nursing care facility. This is only our second visit but I love visiting with everyone there and so does Robby, he always loves a few extra scratches. I’m kind of worried that people pay attention to him will disrupt how he acts in public, in public he is not supposed to be social. I take off his vest when we get there and that will be the only place he will be allowed to be petted. If it doesn’t work out then I will just have to quit going. After Cassie took me to a secret sandwich place and I have to admit the sandwiches were awesome.
Friday I took Robby for long cruise to the boardwalk because I knew that I was going to have to leave him here when I went to the barbecue. The barbecue was for Cassie’s graduation. I cannot believe I met her when she was 13 and now she’s 16 and driving me around, she really is an incredible girl. I had to leave Robby here because her dog Yoda does not like Robby. We ran into them around the corner one day and it was all that Alex could do to hold Yoda back from going after Robby. Their family used to live across the street and when they were having some work done on their house they had to move to a motel for a couple of months and Yoda stayed with me. I hooked the dog leash on my chair and we would cruise around all over the place, we both loved hanging out together. When I got Robby Yoda would see us leave the house and cruise around, I think he is just very jealous. The barbecue was really nice, they have an amazing group of friends and I love hanging out with them. I left the barbecue a little early so I could come back and take Robby for another cruise. We cruise down to the boardwalk hoping to catch the end of the concert but we missed it, they must have only played for 40 minutes. I am really looking forward to next week’s concert, Eduardo Dinero... Eddie Money. I’m hoping that my brother David and his son John Patrick will be here, it is also the last weekend that Tom and Kelly will be staying here. They are going to be in San Francisco for two more months so I’m sure that we will see them a lot but it sure is nice having them right across the street.
Saturday Tom and Kelly took my mom and I to Alice’s restaurant in Woodside California for breakfast. It was a really cool place and everybody was so nice. One of the guys that worked there came over to ask me about service dog laws and I told him that the laws were not very strict but I am hoping to get in touch with somebody somehow to change them, he was kind of disappointed that he couldn’t turn away dogs that were obviously not certified service dogs. I had Alice’s Omelet, smoked applewood bacon, avocado, swiss cheese and tomato with hash browns and an English muffin and it was AWESOME. I definitely want to go back and try their burgers because they also looked killer. I don’t know if they were having a car show or just a group of friends drive down there for breakfast but it was really cool watching them drive out, Kelly got a lot of really good pictures. There was also a lot of people on motorcycles, usually a very good indication that it’s a good place to eat and it certainly was. Unfortunately I didn’t get to take Robby for a really long cruise so I feel kind of guilty but he’s just laying over there on his new bed and she looks happy. I got some shredded pine and some shredded cedar and Kelly sewed a cover out of some flannel sheets that I got at a garage sale, Robby loves it. The other one had a bunch of cotton material and it kept bunching up and moving to the outside of the bed and it was driving Robby crazy. Sunday Robby and I went for a really long cruise to the boardwalk, to the wharf and down to the lighthouse. Saturday was my uncle and aunt’s 50th anniversary so we went to my cousins house up on Bear Creek Road for a barbecue, it is so beautiful up there. I lived there for a couple of years and although at the time I didn’t like it very much I would love to live there now. When I lived there I was in high school and all my friends were downtown in Los Gatos and up on Loma Prieta Avenue off of Summit Road. We got teased because in order to get up to our house we had to ride the little kids bus, that was a terrible thing when you’re in high school. I was in a really bad jeep rollover accident in 1980 and moved away to Stockton because I couldn’t stand writing on Bear Creek Road anymore. Since 1980 I haven’t been up there until last June. It really wasn’t as bad as I remembered or anticipated. The BBQ was really nice and I hope to go up there more often. Happy anniversary Uncle Dick and Aunt Kathy.
The weather is finally nice and the sun is coming out so hopefully on Saturday will be able to have a big barbecue and sit outside and enjoy this beautiful weather.Sunday was our weekly puppy play date and as usual everybody had a great time, we have as much fun visiting as the puppies do playing.On Monday I went back up to Dr. Owens office so they could read the results of my TB test, I was glad to know I do not have it and I can visit the skilled nursing facilities regularly. I came back home and went to bed and Susan came over for my weekly massage, it always feels so good.Tuesday was a long day. I met with Andre and Eric to find out where were going to put the laterals on my chair to make me more stable. After that I met with Livnot and Carl to order my standing frame and accessories, I’m so excited to be finally getting one because I have wanted one for a very long time.Wednesday Kelly took me to Dr. Owen’s office to drop off a urine sample and then to quest laboratories to take a lead test to see if I have diabetes, it is in my family and I’m really hoping that I don’t have it.Thursday my aunt, Seth and I went out to lunch and then went to see Knight and Day, we all enjoyed it very much... Seth maybe not so much.Friday while I was cruising with Robby we went down to the end of the wharf, the weather was perfect. I saw a gentleman in a chair with what seemed to be his wife sitting on the bench next to him and a little dog under the bench with a service animal vest. As I rolled by the dog jumped up barking and running towards us. I saw him stop so I assumed that he was at the end of his leash so I continue to pass by. The dog came leaping at Robby barking and biting, poor Robby was just trying to jump out of the way but my leash is very short. The people did not even look at me or apologize. I turned around and said “really?”, and then I said “unbelievable”... at the time I couldn’t think of anything else to say. They just totally ignored me. I went to the end of the wharf and have a hard time going back because I was trying to avoid the dog and the work was really crowded. By the time I got to the lifeguard shack and couldn’t stand it anymore, I was so angry. The lifeguard took my report and called animal control. He said that I could wait there if I wanted to do a citizens arrest but he didn’t know how long it would take and I was supposed to be back home at a certain time. I told him I didn’t really want anybody to get arrested or anything and just wanted them to never bring their dog in public because it was so aggressive, it was obviously a service that that they bought online. I came home and wrote a letter to the congressman in this area, we’ll see what happens.Friday was the second time that my service dog was attacked by another dog with a service vest, once on the wharf and once at the Boardwalk. When I reported it to Boardwalk’s security I was told that they are no longer allowed by law to ask for proof of a service animal. My service dog is from Canine Companions for Independence and I was on a waiting list for five years. It takes them two years, not counting puppy obedience training from a puppy raiser from eight weeks to 18 months, and $45,000 per dog. There must be a way to have stricter laws for service animals. I saw a news bit on Channel 7 where a lady was interviewing a homeless man with a dog that he had trained himself and somehow obtained a service dog tag, you can get one that says anything you like a pet Smart, and a service animal vest, you can pretty much get those anywhere. While the Channel 7 interviewer was interviewing the homeless man the dog barked and almost bet her arm. I am writing to see if there is anything I can do to help get stricter laws, I can see store owners and restaurants getting more uncomfortable when I bring my service dog into their business and you can’t really blame them.The concert on the beach was awesome. This week was Loverboy, they really put on a great show. I went with Tom and Kelly and of course forgot to bring my camera but when I got home somebody had posted pictures of the concert and in two of the pictures you can see Tom and you can see Kelly standing next to him in one. Before we left Kelly barbecued some sausages and we have them with some sauerkraut that she got at a farmers market last Wednesday, talk about an awesome dinner. We will definitely be going and trying out the different sauerkraut’s that they have, this time we had an apple and fennel.Saturday was our second support group, we have them on the third Saturday of every month. We didn’t really expect a good turnout because Shared Adventures was having a day on the beach, we didn’t realize that but we had already settled on the third Saturday. Shared Adventures is a great organization and I wish that I could have made it down to check everything out, I have a lot of family here and another engagement later on. After I came home and had dinner with my family, my sister-in-law made a killer taco salad and got some fresh bread. I went to the Civic Auditorium and saw the Santa Cruz derby girls. It was my first roller derby and I had a really good time. My doctors daughter skated with her group at halftime, I am so proud of her because she did a great job... the rest of the team did really good also.Sunday I skipped the puppy play date and stayed in bed, I had a lot of family and late nights and I really need to get some rest, not only me but my body. I haven’t told Robby yet but I will break it to him gently.
Sunday I was supposed to meet with Dr. Owen’s babysitter for our puppy play date and an interview, she is housesitting for Dr. Owens. I was really looking forward to meeting her, I really need somebody for backup and a companion to take me shopping and errands. She comes really highly recommended. I never heard from her so I guess we will have to meet another time. I can’t believe that the fireworks are not even phasing Robby a bit, I just about jumped out of my skin every time I hear them and he doesn’t even look up.Monday my nephew came by with about four or five of his friends to spend the day at the beach and they wanted to park here because there was no parking anywhere near the boardwalk, I love living so close and having family drop by. They didn’t really pick a good day because I don’t think the sun came out at all but they are from Modesto and they said that they had fun, that’s all that counts. They tried to have a bonfire and got kicked off the two beaches because of the curfew.Tuesday I had one of my last two appointments for my standing frame. We met with the vendor who I am actually known since my injury, I got my first wheelchair from him. At the time I lived in Los Banos and he used to come out and pick up my chair, from San Jose which is about an hour and a half drive, for repair. It was really nice to catch up with him and I’m looking forward to seeing him again on Tuesday. I wasn’t feeling good so I didn’t want to stand up in the standing frame, I thought this visit was about ordering the standing frame and accessories. Next Tuesday I have two appointments, one with a standing frame vendor and the other to see if I can put some laterals on the back rest of my chair to keep me up straighter, I think my scoliosis is getting worse.On Wednesday Cassie and I went to Mobos for sushi, we were able to go on Monday. We tried his new roll and it was awesome, my new favorite. After that I took Robby for a long cruise and found a new way along the river to get to Ross and Cosco. I really hate fighting the traffic and now I don’t have to.On Thursday I took Robby to the Santa Cruz Skilled Nursing facility so I could show him off and of course everybody loved him. There was people of all ages and I had so much fun visiting with them, I’m going to try to go back once a week or so. I went to the movies with my aunt Kathy, my cousin Kelly and her friend Laura to see the karate kid. I had heard that it was a really good movie and none of us were disappointed. I went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch before and I had a shredded pork salad, that’s what I order every time and I can never finish it. I remember couple of months ago I was cleaning out my garage and I took a bunch of supplies over to the same place, small world. We are in the process of teaching Robby to pick up his own poop, does that seem wrong? My caregiver puts it in a plastic bag and tells Robby to “hold” and he walks along and then he jumps up on the garbage can when she opens it, he hasn’t quite been able to put it in the garbage can himself but he seems so proud to help. He just seems to get so happy when you ask them to do things, he is incredible.Friday of course was the free concert on the beach and this week was the former singer of Santana, Gregg Rolie band, it was a great show and standing room only everywhere. We decided to go to the ideal restaurant for dinner before the concert and then found out when we got there that they don’t start serving until 5 PM, we wanted to be at the concert to get a good place at 5 PM and we would have had to wait 25 minutes so we have something in the bar and appetizers. I had a bread bowl with clam chowder and it was pretty good.

On Monday Kelly, Cassie and I went to Mobos for Sushi, we now call it Mobos Monday because we are going every Monday. Heather met up with us and then after sushi we went to see Toy story 3. I don’t know why every time I go to the movies I fall asleep at least once for about 5 or 10 minutes, it’s very frustrating.
Tuesday I had my standing frame appointment. This is the longest that I have been able to stand and feel good, not to mention it felt great to stand up. Most people are surprised and don’t realize how tall I am, 5’10” when standing. My next appointment is with the vendor to order the standing frame and accessories that I need and then one more appointment and I will be able to stand at home. Heather had her surgery and is now forced to rest for a couple of weeks, lets see how long that lasts because I know she will get antsy.Wednesday I went for two long strolls with Robby. We haven’t been able to get out and go for a really long stroll for couple of days and he was ready. It seems like lately when we are cruising along he keeps looking up at me and staring, I don’t know if he’s trying to tell me something or if we have really bonded.Friday I went to see Naked Eyes with Teresa, last year we went to almost all of the concert’s together and always have a good time watching and eating Boardwalk food. I was surprised that the boardwalk and the beach were not crowded at all. We didn’t get there until five and we got a real good seats in the limited mobility section, I get the zip lock rice lady to her crew somewhere else.
Saturday my uncle and I decided to cruise around and check out the yard sales, we will love to do this and the weather was perfect. We stopped to get some coffee and donut and on the way back I lost control of my chair, ran into a pole and the leg of my chair fell off. Usually I go in front of my uncle but for some reason I was behind him so I watched him ride about a block before he realized I was not behind him. He put the light back on my chair and a little while down the road it fell off again, I guess I bent it up pretty good. He put it back on again and we went by a bicycle store to see if I could put an odometer on my chair to see how far we go every day, the guy said that he didn’t think it would work and I should get a GPS. We came back and my uncle fixed the light on my chair, he can fix anything, and we were going to go out again but when I came home I could hear a dog barking, Tom & Kelly were here. It was so great to see them and they are going to be staying here, right across the street, for a month. I just love having them around. My niece, Desiree, was supposed to come for a visit last night and stay for a couple of days but she didn’t make it on the plane. My brother works for Delta so she gets to fly free but on standby so it’s not always a sure thing. I was really looking forward to it. Next weekend my brother, David, is going to come for the weekend so I’m sure that my older brother, Stanley, and his family will come and we will just have a big family party, I love when everyone gets together.