Monday was a pretty good day, really hot. Karen came in and got me up so I can cruise around for about four hours on my new seat cushion, still trying to break it in. I cruised through the Lagoon and down Westcliff Drive, Susan left me a message yesterday and said that the whales were out and it was beautiful and unfortunately I missed that so I decided to cruise down to see if I can see any. I saw a bunch of people lined up in one area and thousands of birds hovering over the ocean… a good indication that there is something going on. I got to see a whale playing for a while, it was so cool. I cruised down towards the wharf and went about half way before the heat got to be too much and turned around and came home. The chef that has been cooking my meals deliver my food along with some avocado mousse, chocolate and peanut butter. Of course I have to try it and it was excellent, I was so excited I had to email him and tell them how much I enjoyed it. Karen put me to bed and I just rested for the rest of the evening, I gave Rosa the night off. I have been putting this new cream behind my ears and I woke up this morning red and itchy, I was itchy all night. I took a Benadryl and felt better but when I got back into bed I started itching again so I took two more when my mom came down to feed Robby. I had a bunch of T-shirts so I saw a Groupon from a company that cut out the logos and makes them into a quilt so I thought I would give it a try, hey did a fantastic job… I love it!

Tuesday was not such a good day. I have been putting off getting blood work done so I decided to do it today, not such a good day because it was fasting blood work and when I woke up my blood sugar was 80 but I have to get it done so I didn't eat. Lisa came in and be dressed and up and drove me to the lab. We didn't have to wait very long but as usual it was really hard for them to find a vain. We were going to go to Costco to do some shopping and so I can get something to eat but while we were there they said the doctor also wanted a urine sample so we had to drive back and put me to bed so we can get the sample. I don't think I could have made it to Costco because I was feeling really dizzy and sweating. We got the sample and I ate and took my pills and after about an hour I started feeling better. Omar was painting the rails and the fence on the front porch and in the yard. I always have such a hard Time trying to figure out what color, last year we did it's a red wood stain color and I didn't like that at all so this year we decided to do the same color as the house and I think it's going to look good. I got an email from Google glass support saying that they finally found my defective Glass, such a relief. They are going to issue me new glass and hopefully I will get it by the end of this week, I have really missed my Google glass… especially yesterday what I was out on W. Cliff Dr. Watching the whales. Rosa came in and we did some personal care and I got to take a nice long hot bath, I slept so good.

Wednesday I felt a lot better and I couldn't wait to get dressed and get out of here. Robby and I cruised through the Lagoon, Down in W. Cliff Dr., and back, Down to the end of the wharf and back, to the end of the Boardwalk and back and home… seven point 5 miles. Robby looks like he's really slimming down. We came back and there was a package from Google support, yay my new glass is here. We rested for a bit and Rosa came in put me to bed.

Thursday started out pretty good but didn't so well. I had an appointment with my psychologist so I left Robby here with Karen so she can give him a much needed bath. My appointment went well, it always goes by really fast. Some days I'm not sure what I'm even going to talk about but once I get there I end up talking nonstop through the whole session. After my appointment I rushed home to get Robby so I can take him on a cruise before it got too hot. He was still a little bit wet from his bath so I thought the cruise would drive him off a little and he would be nice and cool, I noticed he was moving a little too slow so I decided to turn around and come back… It was 80° and too much would be too much for him right now. The rest of the day and that night you wouldn't even get off of his bed or even just lift his head up, I was hoping that resting through the night would be all he needed and he would be fine next morning. Rosa came in and put me to bed, we did some personal care and of course I got to take a nice long hot bath. It was so nice to have my Google Glass back again.

Friday was a bad and good day. Robby was just as lethargic as he was the day before so I decided to just stay home again. Karen got me up and Robby looked like he was feeling a little bit better so I was going to cruise with him through the lagoon and we got about halfway and it was too hot for me so I know he must've been miserable so we turned around and came back. I took all of his gear off and turn the air conditioner up and just let him rest and cool down for a while. My uncle and aunt came to visit for a couple of weeks from Arizona, my uncle was going to go to his high school reunion. We visited for a while and Theresa came to put me to bed and feed Robby and I. After I ate my mom came down and said they were getting ready to order Chinese food to be delivered and asked me if I wanted any, even though I already ate of course I did. Kelly came in and we visited for a while and the food was delivered so we all ate here in my room, Seth came over to eat with us. Although I wanted to eat more the only thing I had was a plant with garlic sauce and a couple of potstickers. Talya came by with my powered supplements, I'm trying to take my supplements in more of a powdered form then a pill form. Omar was thinking more of the fence in the front and because it was so hot he decided to come back tomorrow with a spray painter. He also went over to storage and got some of the Halloween declarations so Karen and Lisa can start decorating on Tuesday… I can't wait, I'm so excited!

Saturday was a busy day, I could tell there is something really wrong with Robby so I decided to take him to the vet again because I know they're closed on Sunday. Good thing I did, somehow Robby hurt his neck. Dr. Sugar said that when she felt his neck she could feel the muscles tents up and he cried out. Hey did of x-ray and I don't know for sure so they sent it off to a specialist and send him home with muscle relaxers and painkillers for the next couple of days… Poor guy. Richard and Eellen came over to visit, Richard went to school with my uncle Ronnie and Allen is a longtime friend my aunt Kathy, hey are such a cool couple. I got to visit with everybody for a while before Theresa came to put me to bed. It was a long night of Personal care and a bath, surprisingly she finished really early. Seth was going to come over and watch a movie with me but he never came by.

Sunday wasn't really good day. Cindy came in and got me up and I went outside you take pictures of my yard with Google Glass. Robbie is supposed to stay quiet for a couple of days so I left him here while my uncle, my aunt, Richard, Ellen, Seth and Kelly and I cruised over to the wharf. It was overcast and just enough humidity to keep you warm, a perfect day. We decided I did to eat at Stagnaro's and what a great decision it was, everybody enjoyed there lunch. I had calamari parmesan over polenta, always a good choice. We cruised over to the Boardwalk and had some dipping dots, I have seen them there and always wanted to try them and they are really good… I tried a rainbow and cookie dough, I left everyone there and cruise back because Theresa was coming in to put me to bed. After she put me to bed my aunt brought over some meat loaf and cauliflower so I had that and a salad for dinner. Seth came over and we watched the fast and furious 7, out of seven I have only watched two and both of them were with Seth… they're pretty good movies what watching it made me really sad remembering Paul passed away while filming it.