Monday started out to be a really bad day and ended up being a really good day. Kelly and I were going to go have sushi and then go to the movies to see “crazy stupid love”, it looked like a really good movie. When Karen was cleaning Robby’s ears he yelped and then was shaking his head so I decided I better get him to the vet quick. I called and they said they had an appointment in 15 minutes so I jammed down there, Kelly and Bailey went with us for moral support... Bailey was so thrilled that nobody was poking him. After that we went to the bank to get a cashiers check so the guy could start working on the additions to my back porch, I am so excited and wanted to do this for a long time. He’s going to put a sink, a pass-through to the kitchen window, some shelves, some drawers, lights and the big heat lamp... I will be able to sit outside even when it’s cold. Kelly rode her bike and we decided to go down to Charlie Hong Kong’s and get some noodles, as usual they were awesome. On the way back we stopped at the battery and got cupcakes and coffee mocha drinks, it just doesn’t get any better than this.
Tuesday the weather was beautiful. Years ago I had a support chat room on AOL and I met a lot of great people. One guy I met named Jesse lived in Washington and we always got along really well. He has a sister that lives in Merced and one year he came to visit her so I drove up from San Jose to meet him and his family, a great bunch of people. He was a paraplegic injured when his seatbelt threw him out of the back window of a Hyundai, he had to wait several years for a settlement but finally got one. He was visiting his sister again in Merced and drove up here to Santa Cruz to see me. He got here and then we went to lunch and then he left, a short visit but very nice. I came back and took a nice long hot bath and went to bed, a really great day.
Wednesday was another long day but I got to take another bath, it felt so good. Kelly and her friend brought back some Indian food, it was really good.
Thursday I was supposed to go to San Francisco with Kelly, our last chance to go before she leaves, but I do have an open pressure sore on my butt so I thought it would be better to stay in bed before it got worse. My mom and Kelly went into San Jose saw was nice to have the house all to myself, I just rested all day and played words with friends.
Friday Kelly and I were going to go to Big Sur when Phil called to say he wanted to come and take some measurements, Phil is going to install a sink, counter, passed through to the kitchen, shelves and drawers outside on my patio... I am so excited, I have been wanting to do this for a long time. We went to the roadhouse restaurant and had a great meal, I had a calamari salad and Kelly had an heirloom tomato salad.
Saturday I was supposed to go to Los Gatos to meet a friend’s new baby twin girls but I was just miserable in my chair so I decided to go back to bed. I always miss the fun stuff. Teresa and Karen cleaning the garage and it looked awesome.
Sunday was another really long day with only a bath and then back to bed, getting really tired of this. Kelly made a killer blueberry scones, I saw her take some across the street so I snuck up and had Karen grab us a couple to have with our tea.
All that food looked delicious Tammie! Glad I had eaten lunch before I took a look at it, otherwise it would have made me more hungry! I like what you are going to do with your back porch! Sounds like it will be nice when it is all done! Sorry the week was a hard one otherwise with so much time in bed; one can only hope this week will be better!
Muito original as coisas do halloween
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