Monday I got up early so I can go and check out my new van. We had a problem with the safety Sensor mat, we just have to wait for a couple weeks and then get rid of it. We cannot put the ramp up or down while I am on the mat but if I’m in the van I’m on the mat. After I got up into the van we couldn’t get the ramp to do anything, we finally figured out that one of the wires got pinched and broke in half. Luckily we called Gabe over and he figured everything out quickly, Gabe retired from taking care of the wheelchair ramps on the Metro bus line... he is a really handy guy to have around. He’s coming over tomorrow to put some eye bolts on my chair so it will be easier to tie me down. We all loaded in the van, there was seven of us, and went downtown for lunch. Robby and I cruised around for a while and then came back home, I am exhausted.
Tuesday morning Gabe came over and put some eye bolts on my chair so it’s a lot easier to tie me down in the van. He also took out that noisy Matt and we had a really nice long chat, he is such a neat guy. Teresa got here around noon and it was cold and windy outside so I decided to just take a nice long hot bath and go back to bed, it felt great. My uncle came over for a while and we talked about how awesome my new van is, I can’t wait to take it for another spin.
Wednesday was another long frustrating personal-care day, REALLY getting tired of this. I am following the diet and it’s not doing any good, I only have a couple weeks left and then I will be able to eat whatever I want again... problem will probably not be solved so I will go to my spinal cord injury doctor like I probably should have in the first place. Today was Cassy’s last day, she’s going to go to school and work for her parents. Lee and Claudia, my uncle and aunt and my mom and I played cribbage tonight... my uncle was my partner and we won four dollars each.
Thursday was very cold and windy. Teresa came over and got me up and we had an interview for my new afternoon caregiver. Her brother is a quadriplegic and she helps him out, she was not nervous at all... I think it’s going to work out great. She comes back tomorrow for training. The company that used to clean our house came back out to give us an estimate and they start on Tuesday. It seems like everything is coming together. Gabe and my uncle came over to visit for a while and Gabe said that he would help me out with my van, I’m not really happy with where the tie downs were placed. Teresa is off for a couple of months so hopefully we will get a lot done around here, I really missed having her around. Not just because she gets things done but because she’s really fun to hang around with. We went to a sushi place downtown and had a really nice lunch, I found out about them through groupon. Then we went to the nursery and got a few things, went to cost plus and looked around and then went to Ross. We were going to go to Costco but for some reason I haven’t felt really great all day so I just wanted to come home and go to bed, I hope I feel better tomorrow. This is going to be a very busy month so I hope I’m not going to be sick. Hopefully I just need to get a good nights sleep.
Friday turned out to be a really good day. The massage therapist was sick but I still got to sleep in and until 9:30 AM, it felt great. I got to take a nice long hot bath before getting dressed and getting up. Karen mentioned that there was any student art show at UCSC so Teresa and I decided to go up there and check it out, we were not at all impressed and didn’t stay very long. We came home and talked to uncle Dick for a little bit, stole some groundcover from the back of one of his triplex’s and came home to train the new girl Janea. She did really well and I think she’s going to work out great, I am so excited. Instead of standing back and watching she just jumped right in and helped. Her brother is a quadriplegic since she knows a little bit more about the personal feeling stuff, it’s very nice to have somebody like that around. We did the standing frame and some exercises and neck stretches, I am a little bit sore right now but I’m sure I will be really sore tomorrow and for a couple of days. The weather does not look promising in the next couple of days.
Saturday was not looking like a really good day. I got up and took Robby for a cruise but it sprinkled the whole time and by the time we got back we were both soaked. Teresa and I were going to go to Costco but when we got there it was really packed, we forgot it was Saturday. We decided to go to the nursery and instead, I’m still on a quest to find some art for my back porch, it looks so bear out there. I did find a hanging plant, string of hearts, to go in a hanging bird cage that I got a while back. I also found some little garden mushrooms that I don’t know what I’m going to do with yet. We came home and trained Janea one more time before she is on her own, she is going to work out great. I did the standing frame again for an hour and exercised, my arms are really really sore. I took a couple of Tylenol PM’s so I hope I sleep good tonight.
Sunday was another rough day but it’s all better when I get a nice long hot bath. I didn’t get up so the new girl dusted and straightened up both bathrooms and cleaned my room really good, I hate clutter. The day went by really fast. It was supposed to storm but it didn’t, I hope it’s like this again tomorrow.
1 comment:
hope the things get all worked out with your van, Tammie! It is nice though that you have someone helping with it that is familiar with things like this! good to hear also that your new helper potentially sounds like she is going to be very useful for you and that you have a cleaning service starting this week!
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