Monday turned out to be a really good day even though it was supposed to thunderstorm, it did not. Robby and I finally got to go on a long cruise through the lagoon, to the end of the wharf, through the crowded boardwalk, down the reservoir to pet Smart and then back through town. Robby practiced pushing the button to make the traffic light change, he gets a little over excited sometimes but he does a great job. We came back and Heather was cooking some barbecue boneless pork ribs, they were awesome. I forgot about the standing frame and ate a bunch of them. I got an e-mail from CCI saying that they’re going to be in Santa Cruz in the end of July for recertification, I’m so glad I don’t have to drive to Santa Rosa.
Tuesday was such a beautiful day. Gabe and my uncle came over to see if they could move where the tie downs are placed in my new vehicle. Both of the tiedowns are way over to the right, they should be on the outside of each wheel to make a wheelchair more secure. Gabe is going to be able to fix it. Teresa and I took the van in to see about getting a backup camera, a GPS and an XM radio. The guy really knew his stuff and said that he could start it that day so we left it there and walked over to pick up Robby who was having a spa day. We came home to get Robby’s vest and his collar and then went downtown to get something to eat at the Tiki room, it was closed until 4:30 PM... it was noon. We wanted to be out of the way while the girls cleaned the house, we rehired a company that we used a while back. We went down to tonic where Karen was getting a haircut, manicure and pedicure for graduation. We hung out with her for a while and then when she was done we stopped at a couple of shoe places on our way to El Palomar for lunch. I had chicken tacos, Teresa had a chimichanga and Karen had a burrito... everything looked and tasted so good. I like going there and they have a push pad so Robby could practice opening the door for us, always such the gentleman. We came back here and I talked to my uncle for a while while Teresa took Karen home and then I went to bed, I was exhausted.
Wednesday was another beautiful day. When I got the sun was barely coming out so we started to our cruise through the lagoon, through the wharf where it was REALLY windy, through the boardwalk which was really crowded, down the reservoir, to Ross and back through town. Sometimes Robby does really good hitting the button to change the light and sometimes he just doesn’t hit it, sometimes he turned his whole body sideways when he jumps and he hits the part on the top with the arrow but not the button... we’re working on that. I just found out today that CCI representatives are coming to Santa Cruz to the Capitol Mall July 29, Robby’s appointment is at 11 AM. I came home and my van still wasn’t ready, they said they will have it tomorrow afternoon. I went to bed and then Lee and Claudia, my uncle and aunt and my mom and I played cribbage. My aunt was my partner and we lost all three games, we’ll get them next time!
Thursday the weather was perfect. Teresa got me up and went with me to my doctors appointment at Dr. Owens. She gave me my Depo-Provera shot, froze a couple of weird looking barnacles off of my face, gave me a new anxiety medicine and I think she’s going to fix me up with a psychologist for a while. I just seem to have so much anxiety built up and I am frustrated and annoyed all the time. She suggested I get a bicycle that you work your arms and possibly even one for my legs, she thinks exercise might help. After that we went to Home Depot to get some concrete anchors to hang some stuff on the back porch and some stuff in the house. We got everything and went out to the car and after she frantically looked for the key founded in the ignition with the doors locked. When we left the key was not on the back of my door where it’s supposed to be so we just figured we would take a spare key out of my wallet and use that one. My aunt had to drive all the way over to Home Depot to bring us the key. We went to Costco and actually just got what I really needed this time, so proud of myself. We came back and she put me to bed and Karen called and asked if she could come over and wash the sheets, her family is coming to visit. She brought over her new little kitten, Juno, to play with Robby. We have so much fun watching them play in the kitty was not at all afraid of Robby, even though Robby is about 10 times bigger than Juno, Juno didn’t even put her claws out when she patted Robby. It was so adorable.
Friday looked like it was pretty nice outside but I didn’t get up, I just don’t feel very good and I’m exhausted. I just wanted a day to stay in bed and relax. Teresa and cleaned up the yard and scrubbed down the patio and rearrange the furniture so it will look nice when my family comes next week. Janea is cleaning out the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen and is going to put pledge on the furniture outside. Earlier this week she put it on the metal furniture in my bathroom and it looks really good, it will protect it a lot too we hope.
"Properly trained, a man can be a dog's best friend." -- Corey Ford
Saturday I got up and went to see Claudia to get my hair dyed, manicure and pedicure. It was still kind of cold when I got out of there so we cruised around the boardwalk and around the wharf and then came home. When we got home it smelled SO good in here so I went to the kitchen to see what smelled so awesome, Heather had made some barbecued pork rips. I went outside with Robby to practice a few of the commands, we try to practice three every day, and the neighbor came over to talk for awhile. It was really hot out and Robby was just done for the day so we didn’t get to practice our commands, luckily they are three that we use almost every day. I hope I’m not going to have a problem with the neighbor coming over every time I go into my driveway and try to work with my dog.
Kindness is not to be mistaken for weakness... nor forgiveness as acceptance.. it is the knowledge that hate and resentment are not the pathway to inner peace.
Sunday was a beautiful day and I have been really looking forward to it. The personal care lasted a long time and just wore me out. I tried to get up in my chair hoping that feeling would go away but it just didn’t so I ended up back in bed. Dr. Owens was going to bring Bella and Ozzy over for a puppy play date, we were going to Patrick’s birthday party in the mountains and we were going to go watch Karen graduate. I missed all of it. It was nice to stay in bed because I was so exhausted but I’m looking outside and the weather is perfect, that sucks.
1 comment:
hope the anxiety medicine works, Tammie! I can see how exercise might help anxiety! I know I can get anxious at times; hard to deal with sometimes!!
I get Robbie will have his commands down by the time of his certification next month!
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