Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sad weekend...

Yesterday while I was eating my lunch, a salami, cheese and pepperchinis wrap, I could feel my front tooth split in half so I called my dentist and luckily they took me in right away. Whenever the cold air hit my tooth the pain was excruciating. The dentists gave me a temporary tooth and will have a new one ready for me in two weeks. My aunt took Brodie to her house and when I came back to get her my Aunt said she had a lot of blood in her stool. I know that it's time but it's so hard to make a decision, do I take her in Friday or wait until Monday and if I wait until Monday is that selfish. I have been watching her really close and the doctor said when she can't urinate or she is panting for no reason or just simply visibly in pain it's time to let her go.
Tomorrow they are are going to pour the concrete for my new deck. It all seems to be happening so fast it seems like every day I go outside there is something new happening. Patrick is going to come by today to give us an estimate for landscaping and maintenance. Patrick is a friend of Teresa's and he really seems to know a lot about gardening and plants, I'm really excited. After Patrick left I spent the rest of the afternoon looking up the plants that he put in the bid and they were all my favorites.
Heather has been very busy but she always makes time to come over and visit to make sure that I have plenty to eat... and of course to scratch Brodie on the butt. I told her that I really need to lose some weight so she is going to try to help me, no more cream sauces and comfort food but everything that she makes his delicious so I'm not worried.
There's a possibility that Stanley and Corinne will be coming down this weekend. Corinnes sent me a message on MySpace and said that she is riding horses on Friday so might not be able to come. It will be really nice to see them but I am going to be very sad so it might be a really good distraction.


betty said...

oh Tammie I'm so sorry; I know it has to be hard to decide when it is the right time; I think we just don't like to let go of them but if she's in pain and her quality of life is not good, then its time for her to have her rest as hard as it will be; I dread that day with Koda. She is a good dog and a loyal friend and she served you well and brought joy and independence in your life. you will always remember her; she is a part of your life; a part of who you are at this season of your life


Linda :) said...

Oh poor Brodie..... lots going on your way this week.... special thoughts for you....

Joyce said...

Hello Tammie. My name is Joyce and I got your blog address from Betty (a corgi). I like your blog and hope you don't mind if I follow it. I'm so sorry about your companion and friend. It's so hard to let them go.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...


I so wish I could think of something to say the very smallest way even, about Brodie. I am so very sorry, but I do believe sooner is probably better in this case...~Mary