Monday was a perfect day. We actually saw the sun before noon, doesn’t happen a lot in Santa Cruz. The new gardener, Otis, came over today and brought three of his dogs but none of them really wanted to play with Robby. He has an Australian Shepherd that is totally focused on the tennis ball, a Chihuahua mix that is really cute and a cattle dog that just wanted to give everyone in a circle, she is adorable. It was really warm so Robby and I took our old Route down past the lighthouse, the wind made it such a great cruise... unfortunately I forgot my sunglasses so I got sand in my eyes. I forgot how beautiful it was cruising along the ocean. My uncle has been dying to have someone come over and teach them how to make chili so Tom and Kelly went over to help him make some, I hope they make garlic bread also. My uncle loves to make a lot of food and feed everyone, that’s how he shows his love. He can’t eat much anymore because he had gastric bypass surgery but he loves food.
Tuesday we decided to FINALLY go on the roaring Camp railroads train ride from Santa Cruz to Felton and back, we have been trying to find a good day to go for a while and today seemed like it. We got down to where the train parks to pick people up, in front of the carousel horses will on the boardwalk, and a lady came up and asked me if everything was okay because I was leaning back in my chair and I told her I was waiting for the train and she told me that she didn’t think it was running today. She said a large group of kids were there yesterday to take the train ride and it never showed up. She said she did PR for the boardwalk and called the office and apparently it only runs on weekends now that the kids are back in school. So we decided to go to wing stop, I had a couple of groupons and I have been wanting to try it. We got into the restaurant to sit down and noticed that on the menu it said Parish Publick House so we decided to try this place, a very happy accident because the food was great. Kelly and I split a sandwich called the hangovers helper with an egg, avocado, bacon and cheese and it was really good. Tom had shepherds pie and he said he was was really good also, we will definitely be going back. We came home and I took Robby for another short cruise and Theresa put me to bed.
Wednesday Robby and I cruised over and met Heather for sushi at Mobos, I LOVE that place. I had a Norcal which is basically an order of California roll with popcorn shrimp covering the top and some green tea. After lunch we went over to see the help, it was a really great movie. After that I cruised over and met Teresa at dig, it’s a really cool nursery. Kelly and I went there to check it out after my last dentist appointment and I got a bunch of air plants, some bark, some twigs with Moss on them in a glass hanging container and I loved it so much I went back to get more. The first one I got was pre-made so I went back to get everything to make my own in a bigger teardrop glass terrarium, they have everything but the twigs... you have to go find those outside somewhere. I met Teresa back here and in the standing frame for half an hour, took a nice long hot bath and went to bed.
Thursday Kelly and I picked out some pictures for the collage Tom and Kelly are going to hang on my wall, I’m so excited. I decided to take Robby for a cruise and it was pretty warm so we went down past the lighthouse, the breeze felt so good. We were going to go to natural Bridges Beach but there was a bunch of guys working on the trail so I decided to turn around and go back. I was laying back by the lighthouse and Heather texts me and said she was going to cruise down West Cliff so I told her I was at the lighthouse so she met me and we talked for a while. It actually started to get a little cold and I could feel the old air on my broken tooth I was going to cruise back home. I got down to the bottom of the hill and it felt better so we cruised down to the wharf and then cruised home. On the way home I saw some twigs on the ground with most of them so I had Robby pick them up and put them in my lap, a couple of them he bit down a little too hard and crack to the bark but we got a couple. When I got home there was only one on my lap so I got Robby some water and we went back to look for it. I found it and decided to go back and get some more so I found a bunch, Robby pick them up for me. I found a really long one and tried to get Robby to pick it up but it was too awkward for him so I saw a lady across the street and asked her to help me, her son came over and picked it up for me and put it across my chair and I headed home. He was sticking out about 2 feet on each side and every time I went by a tree or a poll I thought I was going to lose it so I finally turned it so it was on my shoulder and we made it home just as Heather was coming over so she helped me. Pretty good I think for someone in a chair and her dog... what a great team we make.
"The Bed Puppy Now I lay me down to sleep, The king-size bed is soft and deep. I sleep right in the centre groove, My human can hardly move! I've trapped her legs, she's tucked in tight, And here is where I pass the night. No one disturbs me or dares intrude Till morning comes and "I want food!" I sneak up slowly to begin, My nibbles on my human's chin. She wakes up quickly, I have sharp teeth - I'm a puppy, don't you see? For the mornings here and it's time to play Always seem to get my way. So thank you Lord for giving me, This human person that I see. The one who hugs me and holds me tight, And sacrifices her bed at night!" A Puppy Poem By: Author Unknown
Friday was the end of a great week. We decided to have a barbecue and then go to the boardwalk to see Eddie Money. Kelly made a ton of awesome food, BBQ pork ribs with homemade barbecue sauce, sausages, chicken marinated with lemon and garlic, skirt steak with a killer sauce that she made for that, corn on the cob with horseradish, mustard and butter sauce and my aunt made shrimp pasta salad and potato salad. At first we didn’t think that anybody was going to show up so we started eating. Pretty soon two couples showed up and then a lady with her two kids, her husband couldn’t make it because he was in Germany. Kelly’s friend Ursula made a peach cobbler, it is so awesome to be surrounded by chefs. We almost decided that we were having so much fun visiting that we were going to skip the concert but Tom talked me into going and I’m so glad that he did, Eddie Money puts on one of the best shows ever in the concert on the beach history. Unfortunately there is only one more concert and then we have to wait till next year. It started out being really warm today but it seems like as soon as the sun goes down it gets really cold really fast, by the time I got home from the concert I was freezing. The fog started coming in and it almost felt like it was sprinkling, welcome to Santa Cruz. Then at 12:20 AM I couldn’t sleep so I was laying here watching TV and I could feel my bed shake I looked up at my fan was swinging... EARTHQUAKE!
Saturday I just could not keep my eyes open, the whole time Karen was here. I felt bloated and sleepy all day so I just stayed in bed and slept, I hope I feel better tomorrow.
Sunday was another long morning and another day of having to stay in bed, the weather is so beautiful outside I really hate this. At least I got a long hot bath before I went back to bed, really a great feeling. Kelly made some blueberry scones, they were nice and warm when my mom brought them down... the days just getting better.
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