They say that everything happens for reason and it’s a small world and I’m starting to believe that it’s true. This morning I took Robby for a cruise down by the boardwalk and it was a little cold and foggy so I came back, I was going to the movies with my aunt but we ended up not going so I waited around for a little bit and I decided to take Robby for another cruise. As we were cruising down the next street over I heard somebody say “hey Tammie” a car stopped and a lady got out and she said “hi, it’s Jill Downey”, I went to middle school with her and I can tell right off because she looks the same. I saw her at a 20 year eighth-grade reunion a couple of years ago but I don’t remember much about that day. I think it was about 120° that day in the Santa Cruz Mountains, the reunion was at Loma Prieta school on Summit Road. David, my younger brother, took me and it was so hot that day. We ended up going for a ride just to be in the air-conditioning in the van. The van vapor locked and we ended up having to call an ambulance to come and get me. The ambulance driver got rerouted to three hospitals that day because so many people were having heatstroke. Jill and I talked for a while and decided to get together and have lunch, it will be really good to find out what she has been up to. I found her on face book, face because in so wonderful to get back in touch with people from my past.
On Friday my uncle, my aunt, my mom, Lee and Claudia came over to play cribbage. We always have so much fun when we get together for cribbage, we do it whenever we can. I don’t know what is more fun playing cribbage or the banter that goes along with it... the snacks are awesome too.
On Saturday my uncle and aunt had about 20 people over for Swiss steak, my aunt makes the best Swiss steak. It was really hot and I got out of here late so I decided to go up on Westcliff where it’s usually cooler and it was for awhile but all of a sudden it started heating up so when I decided to turn around it was really miserable the whole way back, it was 95° that day. On the way up I noticed there was somebody setting up a big barbecue and a box with some announcers, it was the cold water classic. While I was cruising back somebody told me that they were giving away free T-shirts so I went to check it out and it looked really cool but I didn’t have the nerve to ask for one so I went home without one, I wish I would have just asked.
On Sunday was the puppy play date. As soon as we turned towards the elementary school Robby knows. I thought it was going to be really hot because it was the day before but it was actually pretty cool and Teresa came by and took some pictures. There was only two puppies but we met two new ones and everybody had a good time. Today Cassie and I went for sushi at Mobos, I think we are going to make it a weekly thing. After I came home and gave Robby some water Heather and I went to the movies to see “get him to the Greek”, it was hilarious. They are finishing up putting a gate in my driveway. The neighbors like to park there while they run next door to the apartment complex and sometimes forget about it. It would also be nice to be able to let Robby out and not have to worry about a stray dog trying to bother him. It looks really nice. It’s a family owned construction business and they have done a lot of work for me and I have been really happy with everything. They keep adding stuff on and waiting for them to get frustrated with me but they are very sweet.
1 comment:
I agree Tammie, the gate sounded like a good idea to give Robby a bit of freedom while being safe; glad you were able to reconnect with a friend from 8th grade; hope you can have lunch together soon!
stay cool! we are heading to those hot summer months
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