The concert last Friday, Greg Kihn, was awesome. The lady that usually tries to take up a lot of space was just keeping to herself, maybe they finally helped her to understand.
When I got home the Modesto gang was here. It was Stanley and Corinne’s birthday so they came for the weekend. Corrine brought one of her friends and they decided to spend Saturday at the Boardwalk. After that we all went out to dinner at Mobo’s and of course everybody loved it.
So far this week I am just staying in bed because of our pressure sore that just won’t go away and it’s really making me stir crazy. Heather and Linda came over and kept me company today and Heather cooked a really good dinner... calamari with butter and capers, squash and zucchini strudel, asparagus and rice and for dessert tiramisu.
I did get up this week because my niece, Corrine, is staying with me. On Monday we went to go see “the Time traveler’s wife”, I called to see if Heather and Linda would like to join us and they said they probably wouldn’t make it but showed up, it was a nice surprise. I thought the movie was going to be kind of strange but I liked it very much. On Tuesday I went to see Claudia to get a manicure and pedicure and Linda came over to the house to cut and color Corinne’s hair, it looks really cute and she loves it.
Lexi came down to stay for a couple of days so we cruised the wharf and then went to rent a couple of movies. While we were on the wharf we saw a sea lion that had gotten tangled up with a fisherman’s line, it really broke my heart to see the fishing hooks dangling from the side of his mouth and not be able to do anything about it. We found a whale watching rental shack and talk to the lady and she said that if we took pictures she would look at them and call the authorities but there probably wasn’t much that can be done. As we were leaving we saw a rescue team out by the lifeguard building and told them about it and they said that they were out training and that they would go and take a look and see if there was anything they could do, that made us feel a lot better.
The concert this week is Patty Smyth and the scandals. I haven’t decided if I want to go see that but I think it earlier that day we are going to see “Julie and Julia”, that looks like a really good movie. I’m really going to try to start going to the movies at least once a week, by myself if I can’t find anybody to go with me. I did a couple of times by myself and had no problems but that was when I had Brodie but I know I can do it they will just take a couple of times to prove to myself how easy it is.
Next week is back to staying in bed until my pressure sore is totally healed. I made the mistake of letting one of my caregivers take pictures so I could see the progress and it really scared me so I will have to make myself just stay off of it until it is healed.
1 comment:
Tammmie, hope that pressure sore heals quickly
I want to see both of those movies (Time Travelers's Wife and Julia/Julie); both sound interesting
loved the pictures of the pelican?? and the seals :)
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